Setting filters on basic reports
Intended Audience: Admins, Instructors, Managers Summary Filters on your basic reports help you focus your report on the information you need most. Filters are an effective tool for making reports precise and meaningful. This article outlines the ...
Schedule a basic report
Intended Audience: Admins, Instructors, Managers Summary Create and schedule basic reports to run automatically daily, weekly or monthly. Routine automated reports help you monitor your learners' activity and enrollments effectively. Safety Made ...
Create your first basic report
Intended Audience: Admins and Managers Summary Set up and run basic reports about your learners' activity and their training history. Note : Safety Made Simple can run basic reports for up to 10,000 rows of data. If your report generates more than ...
Create an advanced report
Intended Audience: Admins, Managers Summary Set up and customize advanced reports. Download reports as a CSV file, or schedule for future delivery. Draft a report on the details you need, save a report to run again, edit saved reports, and export the ...
Daily Automated Reports
Intended Audience: Admins Summary Automated reports send all the admins on the portal a daily email summarizing portal activity. Two legacy automated reports are available: · Daily users created: all the users created in your portal in the past 24 ...
Course status report filters: tips and tricks
Intended Audience: Admins, Managers Summary Filters on legacy reports let you focus your reports on the details that are important to your organization. Small changes to your basic report filters can give different results. These tips help you get ...
Schedule an advanced report
Intended Audience: Admins Summary Schedule your advanced reports for download by automated email. Routine automated reports help you monitor your learners' activity and enrollments effectively. You can schedule advanced reports to run daily, weekly ...
Overview and setup
Intended Audience: Administrators, Managers Run reports to track learners’ progress Set up reports, download them, and schedule them for routine delivery. Reports provides: · basic reports that organizations know and trust, for reports with results ...