Standard SMS generated emails: overview
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Safety Made Simple can send several different types of automated emails to your users. This overview summarizes the auto-messages available, grouped by task. Create users and groups, and maintain accounts ...
Email deliverability: best practices to avoid email bounces
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary If your portal's automated email messages cause too many hard bounces, Safety Made Simple disables your outbound mail, until you can resolve the problem email addresses. About Safety Made Simple email Safety ...
Add images from the library to your custom email templates
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Add brand images to your custom emails to users: upload images, and resize them using HTML. This 2-step method requires: uploading an image to your Library makes the image available across the portal and ...
Create and edit banner images for email notifications
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Upload up to 10 banner images per portal, to add your brand to your automated messages, and to custom email templates. You can assign different banners for different courses. When Safety Made Simple sends ...
Email opt-out
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary You can opt-out learners from automated emails and messages or allow learners to opt-out themselves. Learners who opt-out from emails and messages won't receive most of the automatic emails that Safety Made ...
Manage custom email templates
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Custom email templates let you tailor the content of your Safety Made Simple email notifications. You can include custom text in your notifications, providing details beyond the default message. Default email ...
Messages and email: set options for the portal
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Set the options for messages sent within your portal. Messages keep learners, managers and instructors up to date about courses, assignments and enrollments. Messages include: automated notifications messages ...
Send a message or an announcement
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Use Safety Made Simple's internal message system to notify users about their course progress, or changes to their courses or assignments. Send announcements to a group, to users enrolled on a ...