Course Creation
Add an eSignature module to a course
Intended Audience: Admins, Instructors, Managers with Instructor Permissions Summary Electronic signatures (eSignatures) support your compliance training. Learners sign their names electronically to confirm they have completed required courses. ...
Course settings overview: details, learner access and messaging options
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Manage how learners access the course, how they can complete the course and get credit, and how they communicate with instructors. Note: Course-level settings are distinct from the portal-level settings for ...
Add documents, video or audio segments to modules
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary After you create a course, you can add documents, video (including a closed captions file), or audio as segments within modules. Closed captions files meet accessibility requirements. You can add ...
Course statuses
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary The course status tells you if a course is available for managers to enroll users, for self-enrollment through the catalog. These statuses are internal and appear only to users who create or manage content. ...
Publish a course
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Publishing a course makes it available for enrollments. You control access to the course in the course details. Publishing a course After placement and ordering of your course modules is complete, the next ...
Delete a course: effects on learners, reporting and learning paths
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Deleting a course removes the course from your portal. You can't run reports on a deleted course. Learners who completed the course retain their learning history. Deletion is permanent. Be sure ...
Embed videos and other external media
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Add content published on cloud applications by embedding it in your text & image modules. Embedded content appears as part of the module, but without uploading a copy to Safety Made Simple. Your ...
Add SCORM content to modules
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Upload SCORM content as zipped files to provide interactive learning modules. Safety Made Simple supports SCORM v 1.2, and SCORM 2004 (3rd and 4th editions). As best practice Safety Made Simple ...
Add images for a course or learning path
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary As a part of your course settings, upload up to 3 images to represent a course or learning path, and set 1 image as a thumbnail. Use JPEG or PNG image formats for best results and set image sizes ...
Add Tin Can (xAPI) content to modules
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Upload Tin Can (xAPI) content as zipped files, to provide interactive onscreen content for your training modules. Safety Made Simple supports LRS (Learning Record Store) tracking through an ...
Image sizes overview: logos, course images and certificates
Intended Audience: Administrators Use your own logo and brand in the Safety Made Simple portal. Each image has a recommended size and aspect ratio. This is for single portals only, not shared portals. If you aren’t sure which plan you’re on, or ...
Create a text and image module
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Text and image modules let you write text, embed images and videos, paste directly from Word, or build custom tables. Create a text and images module From primary navigation select Courses > your ...
Courses: evaluate learners with scored modules
Intended Audience: Administrators Summary Track and measure learner progress with scorable modules. Demonstrate your learners know the content in them. Scored modules can help you meet internal or external compliance requirements. Courses can contain ...
File types supported in course modules: overview
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Use existing content in familiar file formats to build modules for your courses. This article is a quick reference for the file types and sizes you can upload for your courses. Exams and surveys ...
Modules and segments
Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors Summary Build courses in Safety Made Simple using units called modules. Modules in turn are made up of segments. The segment is the smallest "block" of content. A module is a single page in a course. If ...