Reporting: course status report filters: tips and tricks

Reporting: course status report filters: tips and tricks

Intended Audience:  Admins, Managers


Filters on legacy reports let you focus your reports on the details that are important to your organization.

Legacy course status report

The Date From and Date To fields, together with the enrollment Statuses of learners, form an effective tool for keeping track of how many learners have not started, are in progress or have completed their courses or learning paths. 

Consider what results you want to track most. These examples show how using the filters together generate different results.

Example 1: enrolled and completed courses in a date range

·         Course name: your course name

·         Date range May 1 to 31

·         Course statuses: left blank

In this scenario, Safety Made Simple examines the enrollment dates and the completion dates in your date range. This report tells you about status of learners you enrolled between May 1 and 31, and who of those learners has finished their courses.

It does not record any learners you enrolled on April 29 and 30, for example, even if those learners were active on the course in May.

Example 2: completed courses only in a date range

·         Course name: your course name

·         Date range May 1 to 31

·         Course statuses: Completed

For a reporting on a specific course status, the date range refers to the learners whose courses are in that status

This filter combination pulls all learners who completed a course between May 1 and 31, even if they were enrolled before May.

Example 3: courses in progress only, in a date range

Safety Made Simple recommends a 2-step process to find In Progress results for a fixed time. This approach manages a known limitation in the In Progress filter in the legacy report.

·         Course name: your course name

·         Date range leave blank

·         Course statuses: In Progress

This filter combination pulls all learners whose courses are In Progress.

After running the report, sort the report by date, to show In Progress learners for the most recent month.

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