Intended Audience: Administrators, Instructors
Build courses in Safety Made Simple using units called modules.
Modules in turn are made up of segments. The segment is the smallest "block" of content.
A module is a single page in a course. If you use lots of segments, the page scrolls to hold the content.
The modular approach lets you assemble chunks of content, then put them in order, or add new modules, without creating a new course from scratch. You can also reuse modules in several courses.
A course within Safety Made Simple can contain multiple modules, or you can create a single-module course. Each module represents a type of content you can upload to the application.

Add modules to a draft course by selecting any of the module types in the content section of a course.

When using the Add Module type, the module is broken down further into segments. Each segment can hold a different type of media:
- Text & Images
- Documents
- Video files
- Audio files

When you assemble a module the segments appear in a list in the application, with the first line of text acting as a header. You can drag and drop the segments to organize them as you build the module.
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