Set the order in which learners enroll in your courses and progress through them, using a learning path. Learning paths are an effective option for new hire training/onboarding.
Learning path overview
Learning paths let you group courses together to cover a specific topic. You can set:
- the path completion requirements - this setting applies to the whole path
- the order in which learners access the courses - set the order with drag and drop within a learning path
- the progression rules - these rules set requirements for access to courses
- an optional certificate which learners receive when they complete a learning path
You set 1 of 2 ways for learners to complete a learning path:
- By completing all courses, following any individual course rules: with this option admins set most of the requirements, and set the pace of the course
- By completing or passing a certain number of the courses. Learners can self-enroll in courses, and have more control over their learning pace
To enroll learners you can:
- enroll groups on paths
- add a learning path to the internal catalog
You assemble a learning path from published courses only: draft courses don't appear as options in Add Courses dialog.
TIP: when you create a learning path, consider the learners' experience of time and effort in completing the courses. Use learning paths to group related courses together into meaningful sections. Use multiple paths to break up large topics and provide natural breaks to review topics before moving to the next one.
You can run a learning path report, to show learners' progress through the courses, for compliance and quality requirements.
Enable learning paths for your portal
Learning paths are not enabled by default. As admin you need to enable them for your portal.
- From main navigation, go to Settings > Courses > General Settings.
- From Content Settings, select Enable Learning Paths.
- Save to finish.
Create a new learning path
- From main navigation go to Courses, and from secondary navigation select Learning Paths.
- From the Action menu, select Add New Learning Path.
- Enter a learning path name and optional keywords.
- Click Save to confirm.
Add images
From your learning path's Info page, select Details to add up to 3 images to represent the learning path.
Path completion requirement
- From the learning path's Info page, choose secondary navigation Courses > Path Completion Requirement.
For Learning Path is completed by, select one of
- By completing all courses, as per the rules set below on the courses list
- By completing or passing certain number of the courses on the list below (learners can self-enroll on courses)
- If you select the second option, enter a number in Number of courses to complete or pass.
- Save to finish.
Note: You can change this setting freely while the learning path is in draft status. After you publish the learning path, changing this setting requires archiving the learning path, and creating a new one.
Add courses to your learning path
With the learning path completion logic set, you can assign courses to this learning path.
- From the learning path, choose Courses from secondary navigation.
- Select Add Courses to Path.
- In the Add Course dialog, search and select published courses to add to this learning path.
- Select Add to confirm.
To add more courses after this initial selection, select Add Courses to Path again.
Set progression rules
The progression rules available are different, depending on what you select as requirement to complete the path. These rules determine how quickly learners move from one course to the next. You apply the rules course by course, rather than to the learning path.
The following screenshot shows the More > Set Progression menu option for a course.
Complete all courses
If your learning path requires learners to complete all courses, following Path completion requirement, you set progression rules.
- From the learning path, select Courses from secondary navigation.
- Choose a course, then select More >Set Progression.
From Enroll in Course, choose one of the following options:
- Immediately: enroll the learner on this course immediately - default for the first course
- Only if previous passed, with an option to delay enrollment by a number of days you enter
- If previous passed or failed/If previous completed, with an option to delay enrollment by a number of days you enter
- On a specific date: enroll the learner on a specific date, chosen from a calendar
- Days after path enrollment: enroll the learner a specified number of days after the learning path enrollment is created
- Save to finish.
By completing or passing certain number of the courses
If your learning path requires learners to complete or pass a set number of courses from the learning path, the progression rules allow learners flexibility in their pace.
- From the learning path, select Courses from secondary navigation.
- Choose a course, then select More >Set Progression.
From Enroll in Course, choose one of the following options:
- Learner Chooses When
- On a Specific Date> for Delay Enrollment, select a date from the date picker
- Days after Path Enrollment> in Delay Enrollment enter a number of days
- Save to finish.
Publish a learning path
The learning path is ready when you have added all the required courses, and set their progression rules.
- From main navigation go to
- Learning Paths > your learning path.
- From the action menu, select Publish Path.
- Click Save to finish.
Your path is published and ready for enrollments.
Report on learning paths
Admins and managers can run learning path reports. Go to Reports > Learning Paths.