Learner view: learning journeys

Learner view: learning journeys

Intended Audience: all users


 Learners can access enrollments by learning journey from the Dashboard in the legacy interface, and from Home or My Learning in the redesigned interface.


Learning journeys on Learner Dashboard

From Home and My Learning, learners can see their learning in progress for Courses and Learning journeys. Courses appear first by default.

 The following screenshot shows My Learning > Learning journeys, with the current enrollment for a learner.


Learner view of journey details

 After selecting the learning journey from DashboardHome or My Learning, the learner sees a linear illustration of their learning journey including:

  • name and description
  • branch names
  • course names and descriptions

 Learners select the first course to start the learning journey.

 The following image shows the look and feel of the learning journey. The first course in the journey, SMS001 – Beginner’s Guide has been completed. The next course is SMS033 – Sexual Harassment for Employees and the last course in the journey is SMS005 – Violence in the Workplace

Selecting a course opens the course details with the familiar Start option.

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