Group Training - Managers
Intended Audience: Managers
Group Training provides an opportunity for group discussion of a topic.
Decide if you will have everyone answer the quiz questions as a group or if you would prefer each attendee use a paper quiz. PDF versions of exams are available by contacting Exams will be provided in both English and Spanish and include the answer key.
In order for a manager to successfully conduct group training, the manager will need two permissions turned on in the manager's profile "Settings" by an Administrator:
- Can enroll learners on courses
- Can manually mark learners as complete
An enrollment record for each learner must exist first.
How to Create Enrollments (for managers with permission)
- Navigate to “Enrollments” on the primary navigation dropdown.
- Select the appropriate course for the group training.
Select Users, either:
- Post training - Select users that attended the group training
- Prior to training - You may click “Switch to Groups” and select an entire group. When selecting a group, all members of that group will have an enrollment record created. This can be beneficial if you have users who are unable to attend the group training as the course will be on their dashboard to take independently.
- Click the “Enroll” button in the lower right corner.

Now that you have Enrollment records created, you may update each with the results of the group training.
Recording Group Training for Learners
- Navigate to “Users” on the primary navigation dropdown.
From the list of users, without clicking the name, move to the right in the white bar and click the enrollments icon for the user. This will display a list of the course enrollments for this user.
Find the course, hover with your mouse at the right of the course name and click card actions (three vertical dots) to display the sub menu. Click “Set Complete.”
- A new window will open where you can complete the enrollment information for the learner.
- Status: Passed or Failed
- Score: the score received by each user on the test
- Date: the date the group training was completed
- Notes: optional, but recommended. You may enter the instructor and other pertinent information that may be helpful later.

- Click Save.
NOTE: Scoring for all Safety Made Simple courses are recorded as a percentage such as 80%, 90%, and 100% as passing scores. Single portal clients who create their own courses may use percentage scores OR opt to use a point scoring system, so points such as 8, 9, or 10 may be the course passing score. Be sure to check the type of scoring used for your group training course.
Following this process will create and update an Enrollment record for Group Trainings. This training will now show in each learner’s Completed Courses as well as be available in all reports created by an Administrator or a Manager.