Exams: create an exam

Exams: create an exam

Intended Audience:  Administrators


Use exams to test your learners' knowledge and their retention of your content.

Exams can contribute to a final grade for a course, or serve as a knowledge check only. A knowledge check uses an exam module, but its score does not affect the final grade. Use a knowledge check as a quick quiz to review content, without affecting the learner's course results.

You create exams in stages:

  • create a group of exam questions, called a question pool
  • create an exam module
  • add one or more question pool(s) to the module
  • set the exam options

Using question pools means you can re-use a pool for more than one exam, and you can create multiple pools to vary exam question ranges.

Create an exam module

  1. From main navigation select Courses > your course name.
  2. From secondary navigation select 
  3. From Add New Content, select Add Exam.
  4. In Title, enter a name for the exam module and select Save.

Add a question pool to the exam module

Add as many question pools as you need, to provide the questions for your exam.

  1. From main navigation select Courses > your course name.
  2. From secondary navigation select Content.
  3. Select your exam module.
  4. From the exam module's Content page, select Add QP from Library.
  5. From the Add Question Pool dialog, choose one (or more) question pool(s) from the list, and Save

Review the questions

The exam module's Content page shows the question pool(s), with a preview of the questions. The application includes all the questions by default.

  1. Review the list of questions: turn on any questions you don't want to use in the exam.
  2. To change the order the questions appear in the exam, select the arrow cross to drag the question to a new place in the list.
  3. Optionally: trun on Set the number of questions to be displayed at random? if you want to use a random selection of the questions, rather than every one of them. Enter the number of questions in the field.

Preview the exam

On the course page, from the Action menu select Preview Course.

You can see exactly what the learner sees when they take the exam.

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