Embed videos and other external media

Embed videos and other external media

Intended Audience:  Administrators, Instructors


Add content published on cloud applications by embedding it in your text & image modules.

Embedded content appears as part of the module, but without uploading a copy to Safety Made Simple.

Your external content must be published and shareable, subject to the access permissions set by your system administrator.

External content includes:

  • documents and presentations hosted on cloud applications like Google Drive, SharePoint and Office365
  • videos from sources like YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia

Where to find embeddable media URLs

Safety Made Simple supports iFrame based media embedding but does not support JavaScript based embedded videos. The embed code for your content must rely on an iFrame, and not 3rd party JavaScript. Generally:

  • if you see <iframe>tags in the embed code your video will work
  • if you see <script>tags, the embedded video will not work

Some providers, such as YouTube, offer iFrame by default. Navigate to the content you want to share and click Share > Embed underneath the item. This step generates the iFrame based code you can embed in Text & Image modules.

Some providers like Wistia offer both standard and fallback embed codes. In this case, you want to choose the fallback option, which is iFrame-based.

The following screenshot shows Google Drive's Publish to the web > Embed dialog for a link to a presentation.

Make media responsive to resize for different screens

By default, most embed codes generated for you are not responsive: they are set to a fixed height or width, and do not adjust to different screen sizes or mobile devices.

To ensure your content fits across all screen sizes, Safety Made Simple recommends a wrapper class to work with the embed code:

<div class="video-responsive">
    <iframe src="embed_url_for_video" width="100%" />

In this example, the embed_url_for_video comes from the video provider. The embed code for this video is:

<iframe width="560" height="315"
        frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay;
        encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

 Take the URL found in the src above and put it into the wrapper class. The finished responsive embed code is:

<div class="video-responsive">
    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2wuN7IRLMxU" width="100%" />


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