Deleting a course removes the course from your portal.
You can't run reports on a deleted course. Learners who completed the course retain their learning history.
Deletion is permanent. Be sure to read the whole article, before deleting a course in your portal. We recommend Archiving your course.
Deleting a course
- Navigate to Courses > Course Name > Actions > Delete Course.
- Choose whether to let users currently enrolled (Not Started, In Progress) finish the course, or if you will unenroll them.
- Choose whether to let Completed enrollments remain on the course, or if you will unenroll them.
- Select Delete.
If your course is on a learning path, the application warns you that deleting the course automatically removes it from the path for any learners who have not yet completed the course.
Learners who completed the course on the Learning path can still access the course from their Completed Courses tile.
Effects on reporting and on learners
After deleting a course, you cannot run further reports on the course. The Course History report, available only per-user, remains the only record of course attendance.
The learner experience depends on your admin's choices. If you let a user’s completed course enrollments remain on the course:
- access to the course, credits, and certificates remain on a user’s Dashboard > Completed Courses tile
- completed courses and earned credits remain listed in their Training History, available by download
If you unenroll a user’s completed course enrollments from the course:
- completed courses and earned credits remain listed in their Training History, available by download