Creating enrollments

Creating enrollments

Intended Audience:  Administrators, Managers


Deliver your courses to your learners. Enrollments let you assign courses to your learners individually, or in groups.

Access Permissions to enroll learners

Admins can enroll learners and groups onto published courses.

For managers to enroll learners and groups:

·         the managers' permissions must include Can enroll learners on courses.

·         the course's Additional Settings must allow Manager can enroll learners?

Enroll individual learners on a course

Once you publish a course and have learners in your portal, you can create enrollments. 

You cannot enroll learners on draft courses.

1.      From the primary navigation go to Enrollments.

2.      From Create New Enrollment, select one or more courses from the Select Courses list.

3.      Select one or more learners from the Select Users list.

4.      Optional: Toggle Re-enroll completed users to add learners to a course they already finished: for example, to make sure learners do not miss mandatory training or re-certification.

5.      Select Enroll to finish.

Safety Made Simple confirms these enrollments when they are complete.

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