Create a text and image module

Create a text and image module

Intended Audience:  Administrators, Instructors


Text and image modules let you write text, embed images and videos, paste directly from Word, or build custom tables.

Create a text and images module

  1. From primary navigation select Courses > your course.
  2. From secondary navigation, select 
  3. From Add New Content, select Add Module.
  4. Enter a title for the module and add any tags in the Module Info This title is visible to learners.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the new content page select Add Text & Images. The application opens the rich text editor for text, tables, images, and embeddable media like video. 
  7. Enter your text, links, and images in the rich text editor.
  8. Save to finish.

The following screenshot shows the options of segment types to add to a module.

The following screenshot shows the CK editor interface.


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