For courses with 2+ modules, set the order that your learners access the modules. You can make exceptions for assignments and checklists.
When you add a second module to your course, Safety Made Simple offers additional options to manage your content.
Sequene your content has 2 effects:
· sets the order of the modules which learners can access the course: learners cannot skip a module and return to it
· requires learners to complete, or pass, their current module to access the next available module
For assignment, checklist and eSignature modules, LearnUpon lets you bypass sequencing.
Assignments and checklists can require instructors to spend longer times with individual learners. After submitting an assignment or requesting assessment for a checklist, learners are waiting on the instructor to respond.
When you add an eSignature module to a course, it becomes a required part of the course. Learners cannot complete the course without entering their name.
To avoid a "bottleneck", Bypass sequencing options let learners continue the course. Their course progress isn’t affected by the pace of the instructor’s assignment feedback or checklist reviews, or a signature requirement
The options to bypass sequencing appear only if your course includes these module types.
1. From main navigation go to Courses > course name:
2. From center navigation, choose Content > Content Options.
3. Turn on Sequence your content.
4. Optional: for courses with assignments or checklists, select 1 or both of:
5. Save to finish.
The following screenshot shows Content Options, with the bypass option for 2 module types turned on.