Courses: copy a module

Courses: copy a module

Intended Audience:  Administrators, Instructors 


A modular course design lets you re-use "chunks" of content: copy modules from the library, or from course to course.

Safety Made Simple treats modules, copied individually, as new modules: you can edit copied modules without affecting the original module's content. 

Note: Copying individual modules works differently from copying a course which contains modules. When you copy a course with modules, these modules are images of the original modules, stored in the library. If you edit modules within a course, any change to their contents appears in all versions of the course.

Copy a module within a portal

You typically copy modules from one course into a draft course. You need a course as a destination for your module: create a new draft course, or use an existing draft course.

You can copy published modules to draft courses: you can't copy any modules into published courses.

Note: The Action menu has 2 options with the words Copy in them. Use Copy this Module, for a single module, not Create a Copy, that copies your entire current course. 

  1. From main navigation go to Courses > your course name.
  2. From the secondary navigation select Content > your module.
  3. From the Action menu, select Copy this Module.
  4. In the Copy module dialog:
    • select a destination course
    • select Copy
  5. Navigate to the destination course to confirm the module is visible, with suffix -Copy on the module title.

The following screenshot shows the Action menu. Copy this Module is the first highlighted option. Create a Copy is highlighted second: this option copies your current course, not the module.

This -Copy module is editable: changes to this module do not affect the source module.

Copy a module from the library

You can copy a module from the list of modules in your portal library, using the same process. You need a draft course as destination for your copied module.  From main navigation go to Library > your module. Continue from step 3.

Note: copying a module from the library is different from adding a library module to a course. 

Copying a library module gives you an editable copy of your existing content. 

Adding a library module means the module in your course is an image of the one in the library. If you edit the module, the changes appear in the library, and in any courses using the module.


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