Bulk Actions for Unenroll and Set Complete

Bulk Actions for Unenroll and Set Complete

Intended Audience:  Admins, Instructors, Managers

Change multiple enrollments with bulk actions

Update individual learner details or change many enrollments at once through the course’s Enrollments page.

You can change existing enrollments for learners by 1 of 2 ways:

·         Courses menu to access multiple enrollments

·         Users menu to access individual enrollments

Your access to these options depends on your user type and permissions.

These options are distinct from updating and managing groups on courses.

Bulk actions overview

Bulk actions refer to applying a change, typically of status or course access, to multiple learners at the same time.

Safety Made Simple’s bulk action tools let admins change up to 500 items at once.

For courses with hundreds or thousands of enrollments you can use filters to narrow your search to the enrollments you want to change. The filters available include:

·         Search, to find learners by name

·         User type, to find admins, managers and instructors who take courses

·         User status, to find learners whose accounts are disabled

·         Status for course completion, to find learners at Not Started or In Progress state

·         Group, to find a group by name

·         Membership type, for portals that use memberships

·         Created after, to find learners enrolled after a specific date

Enrollments filter examples

Use a single filter, or apply multiple filters together, for example:

·         limit User status to Enabled (active) accounts only

·         use Status to view enrollments at In process, and set Created after to a specific date

·         find all User type > manager accounts within specific Groups

Access bulk actions through Courses > course name > Enrollments to:

·         unenroll multiple learners from a course

·         set multiple learners as having completed a course, aka mark complete or set complete

The following screenshot shows an admin’s access to Courses > sample course > Enrollments with learners selected, and the 2 bulk actions available.

Access permissions

·         all admins: can update learners' status on courses

·         managers with permissions: can update their learners' status on courses.

·         instructors: can change the status on a course for:

·         learners assigned to them as instructor

·         learners with no instructor assigned

Instructors can't access learner records outside assigned courses.

Update enrollments in bulk through Courses menu

1.        From primary navigation select Courses > your course.

2.      From the course Info select Enrollments.

3.      Select the items for the bulk action. Use 1 or more filters to narrow your search as required.

4.      Select one of Unenroll or Set complete.

5.      For Unenroll: in the dialog that opens, select Yes to confirm.

6.      For Set complete: in the Manual Enrollment Completion dialog that opens:

·     select Status from CompletedPassed or Failed

·     turn on Award associated badges if required

·     select a Date

·     add any Notes to explain the manual completion

·     Save to finish

You can Cancel the action while the enrollment change is in process.

Safety Made Simple refreshes Enrollments and shows the updated details for learners.

Admins can also view the changes in the portal action tracker.

Update individual enrollments through Users menu

Access to the options in the More menu depends on the user type. Admins can access more options than managers or instructors.

1.       From main navigation go to Users > learner name.

2.       From secondary navigation, select Enrollments.

3.       Select a course, then select More (aka 3-dot menu) to choose one of:

·     View Details: course name, learner's status

·     Unenroll: remove the learner from the course

·     Set Complete: manually mark the learner as CompletedPassed or Failed the course

·     Set Expiry date: select a date to end the learner's access to the course 

·     Set Due date: select the advisory date when users should finish a course

4.       For the selected option, follow the dialog prompts to complete the step.

The following screenshot shows the options available from a learner's enrollment More menu, for an admin. The Unenroll and Set Complete options are highlighted.

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