Add course specific text to notification emails

Add course specific text to notification emails

Intended Audience:  Administrators, Instructors, Managers (with instructor authorities)


Course specific text is information you provide to learners, about a specific course.

There are 4 types of course specific text which can be set in Notifications:

·         Enrollments

·         Reminders

·         Course completions

·         General

The CK Editor provides rich-text formatting for course specific text, to include brand images and style. The character limit is set to accommodate additional HTML formatting.

You set up this feature in 2 places in the portal:

·         write the text in Notifications at the course level

·         edit the relevant custom email templates to include course-specific text at portal level

Prerequisites to using course-specific text

To access this feature:

·         in email settings, set Messages are received to Internal & External. 

·         for custom email templates, edit and turn on the custom email template you're adding text to.

·         for reminder emails, turn on reminders through course notifications.

·         for completion emails, set completion notifications for the course.

Add text for enrollment emails

Safety Made Simple sends enrollment emails for all courses by default.

Set up course-level text for enrollments

  1. From the primary navigation menu, select Courses > your course name.
  2. From course Info, go to Notifications.
  3. Go to Custom course specific text for your email templates and enter the text into Enrollment emails.
  4.  Save to finish.

Confirm the template includes course-level text

  1. From main navigation, go to Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates > Enrollments.
  2. Review the template, making sure it includes the {{course_specific_text}} variable. 
  3. Confirm the template is Enabled.
  4. Save to finish.

Add text for reminder emails

Email reminders are optional. You can set up to 4 reminders. Leave the reminders you don't need blank.

Set up course-level text for reminders

  1. From the primary navigation menu, select Courses > your course name
  2. From course Info, go to Notifications.
  3. From Enrollment Notifications, select Send/Enable Enrollment Reminders?
  4. Set up the reminders you need as the number of days after enrollment. 
  5. From Custom course specific text for your email templates, in Reminder emails enter the text you want to send as part of the reminder.
  6. Save to finish.

Confirm the template includes course-level text

  1. From main navigation, go to Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates > Enrollment Reminders.
  2. Review the template, making sure it includes the {{course_specific_text}} variable. 
  3. Confirm the template is Enabled.
  4. Save to finish.

The following screenshot shows a sample reminder email text.

Add text for completion emails

Completion notifications are optional.

Set up course-level text for completion messages

  1. From the primary navigation menu, select Courses > your course name.
  2. From course Info, go to Notifications.
  3. From Send email to learner on completion? select 1 option from the drop-down
    1. Never (Safety Made Simple doesn't send a message
    2. When Completed or Passed
    3. When Completed, Passed or Failed
  4. From Custom course specific text for your email templates, in Completion emails, enter the text you want to appear in completion notifications.
  5. Save to finish.

The following screenshot shows the notification drop-down menu.

The following screenshot shows a sample completion message.

Confirm the template includes course-level text

  1. From main navigation, go to Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates > Course Completions.
  2. Review the template, making sure it includes the {{course_specific_text}} variable. 
  3. Confirm the template is Enabled.
  4. Save to finish.

Include additional course-specific text in any email template

Set up a text variable to include in any custom email template you send for a course.

Set up course-level text

  1. From the primary navigation menu, select Courses > your course name.
  2. From your course's Info page, select Notifications.
  3. Go to Additional course specific text and enter the text into the field.
  4. Save to finish.

Confirm the template includes course-level text

  1. From main navigation, go to Settings > Email > Custom Email Templates > your email template.
  2. Review the template, making sure it includes the {{additional_course_specific_text}} variable. 
  3. Confirm the template is Enabled.
  4. Save to finish.

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